EasyCut B
EasyCut B 870 and B 1000 without conditioner
EasyCut B 750, B 890, B 970 without conditioner
EasyCut B 950 Collect without conditioner, with merger augers
EasyCut B 870 CV and B 1000…
EasyCut F
The EasyCut F model range is a line-up of innovative front mowers with or without tine or roller conditioner and work widths of 2.71 m to 4.04 m. At the same time, the range…
…Spelle, im Februar 2023: Auf Basis des 2019 eingeführten EasyCut F 400 CV Fold mit seinem einzigartigen und patentierten Klappholm bietet Krone jetzt zwei weitere Modelle des Vier-Meter-Frontmähwerkes an. Alternativ…
EasyCut TS/TC
Performing in the most versatile conditions around the world, the new and stylish EasyCut TS/TC models stand out for their enormous versatility and flexibility. Choose from…
…With the EasyCut B 880 CV/CR (Collect) and B 1050 CV (Collect), KRONE presents two new and highly efficient Butterfly combinations. They come with conditioners as a standard feature and can optionally be equipped with…
… of disc mowers for sale in the UK, including front-mounted disc mowers, also known as front mowers (EasyCut F), rear-mounted disc mowers (ActiveMow R and EasyCut R), and trailed disc mowers (EasyCut TS/TC).
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Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG